Visit Griswold, CT
![]() The Town of Griswold is a community dotted with rivers and lakes, and contains many beautiful hills and small mountains. The two rivers that flow through the town are the Pachaug and the Quinebaug.
The Borough of Jewett City is situated at the junction of the two rivers. From the hills which border it, the Griswold basin presents delightful landscapes. There are points from the roads across Stone Hill where the north end of the valley to Jewett City spreads out in lovely vistas. From Geer Hill, the view is not limited to Griswold but takes in farms and bits of villages in a number of adjoining towns. Geologically Griswold is very interesting and has been studied for years by geologists from all over New England. There are no natural ponds in Griswold. The larger part of its surface is drained by the Pachaug River. The distance from the source of the Pachaug to its mouth in a straight line does not much exceed 9 miles, yet it winds with such surprising curves, and so tortuous is its natural course through the swamps and mud flats between the hills, that the waters from its source travel is 44 miles before they reach the mouth. The Quinebaug flows through three ranges of hills. Stone Hill in the northeast corner of town is 580 feet above sea level; while on the south the summits of Rixtown and Bay Mountains stand 500 and 560 feet above sea level respectively. The sides of these hills, at least at the 200 foot level, show unmistakable signs of the long continued swirl and flow of water proving that Griswold basin at a distant period belonged not merely to the valley but to the bed of the once grand Quinebaug. Evidence of glacial activity abound. Not only is the soil strewn with glacial boulders, some of which are remarkable; but proof is found in the deposits of till, peculiar shaped hills, the pit-like kettle holes, the beds of clay, the underlying hardpan and the polished surface of the ledges. On Pachaug Pond, our largest body of water, is located a state boat launch, a marina and a campground. Griswold is also home to Pachaug and Hopeville State Forests. At Hopeville State Park, you'll find a campground, beach and boat launch. In both Pachaug State Forest and Hopeville State Park, visitors enjoy hiking trails that wind through lovely meadows, along scenic brooks, over wooden bridges and deep into the cool, welcoming woods. |
Griswold Town Hall 28 Main Street, Griswold CT 06351 p. 860-376-7060 f. 860-376-7070 GRISWOLD CONNECT - GET IT NOW!
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Department Head / Director ( p )(860) 376.7026 Email: [email protected] 2019 GNACC Community Service Award recipient AWARD WINNING PROGRAMMING! 2017 Selectman's Acknowledgment Award - Youth Center & Town Events 2017 - Uncas Health Proclamation - Smoke Free Parks 2016 - Road Snacks Top 4 Most Fun Towns in Connecticut 2016 - Chamber of Commerce 40 Under Forty Award Winner |