Economic Development by definition is the effort to seek to improve the economic
well-being and quality of life for a community.
well-being and quality of life for a community.
![]() Small Business Development Center (SBDC): Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) provide assistance to small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs throughout the United States and its territories. SBDCs help entrepreneurs realize the dream of business ownership and help existing businesses remain competitive in a complex, ever-changing global marketplace. SBDCs are hosted by leading universities and state economic development agencies, and funded in part through a partnership with SBA.
![]() Connecticut Economic Resource Center, Inc. (CERC) is a nonprofit corporation and public-private partnership that provides economic development services consistent with state strategies, leveraging Connecticut’s unique advantages as a premier business location.a premier business location.
Southeastern Connecticut Enterprise Region (seCTer)
seCTer is a public-private regional economic devlopment agency serving the towns of New London County. Its mission is to promote and preserve the region's attractiveness, to encourage new businesses, and to assist and to nurture existing and expanding local enterprises. SouthEastern Connecticut Enterprise Region (seCTer), 19-B Thames Street, Groton, CT 06340 / p.860.437.4659 / toll free 888.6.secter / f. 860.437.4662 / [email protected] Southeastern CT SCORE
Small Business training programs and mentoring are held throughout southeastern Connecticut conducted by retired business professionals. Southeastern CT SCORE One Main Street Old Saybrook, CT 06475 Tel: (860) 388-9508 Fax: (860) 388-9508 E-mail: [email protected] Norwich (Dime Bank) 290 Salem Turnpike, Norwich, CT 06360 Eastern Workforce Investment Board (EWIB)
The Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board (EWIB) is a non-profit agency mandated through the Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014. The EWIB oversees a network of workforce-related programs funded from a variety of sources including the operations of four American Job Centers located in Danielson, New London, Norwich, and Willimantic. EWIB, 108 New Park Avenue, Franklin, Connecticut 06254 / tel (860) 859-4100 Fax: (860) 859-4111 / Email: [email protected] Community Investment Corporation (CIC)
CIC is a non-profit economic development lender contributing financial expertise and practical guidance to small business entrepreneurs in Connecticut and Rhode Island who have powerful ideas and need more power to grow them. CT Office: 2315 Whitney Ave, Suite 2B | Hamden, CT 06518 | t 203.776.6172 Rhode Island Office: 10 Davol Square | Providence, RI 02903 | t 401.406.7282 Community Economic Development Fund (CEDF)
CEDF is a non-profit business development organization serving low-to-moderate income small business owners in Connecticut. In addition to capital, we offer educational workshops, business advice and other resources. CEDF 965 East Main Street, Meriden, CT 06450 Tel: 203.235.2333 / Toll Free: 888.835.2333 / Fax: 203.235.2913 [email protected] Small and Home Office Association of Southeastern Connecticut (SAHOA)
The Small and Home Office Association (SAHOA) provides peer support for small and home office owners. Monthly meetings feature guest speakers on topics unique to microenterprise. Monthly newsletter features articles, reviews, news and announcements. Program Region: Statewide Program Contact(s): Kathy Pooler, Norwich, CT 06360 / Phone: (860) 889-2893 / [email protected] / ![]() Norwich Public Utilities
(NPU) provides four utilities to the City of Norwich – natural gas, electricity, water and wastewater collection.Established in 1904, NPU is municipally-owned and governed by a five member Board of Commissions and Sewer Authority, who represent the best interest of the citizens they represent. "Our mission is to make Norwich a better place to live, work and do business. " |
Small Business Administration (SBA)
SBA's mission is to help entreprenuers realize their potential as small business owners. The CT District Office takes pride in our work, particulartly when it empowers businesspeople to turn ideas into reality. They feel that each successful business in Connecticut contributes to Connecticut's prosperity, not only for hte company's owners and employees, but also for the community as a whole. The U.S. Small Business Administration has delivered millions of loans, loan guarantees, contracts, counseling sessions and other forms of assistance to small businesses. Connecticut District Office 280 Trumbull Street Second Floor, Hartford, CT, Phone: 860-240-4700 / Fax: 860-240-4659 ![]() CBIA will fight to make Connecticut a top state for business, jobs, and economic growth: driving change, shaping legislative and regulatory policy, and promoting collaboration between the private and public sectors. CBIA / 350 Church Street, Hartford, CT 06103 / p.860.244.1900
DRIVE CHANGE: ENGAGE YOUR LEGISLATOR What do you envision for Connecticut? What are your concerns? What questions do you want answered? No matter your needs, we'll put you in touch directly with a state legislator. CLICK HERE to find contact information and resources for members of the Connecticut House and Senate. Search by town, name, or legislative committee. You may also select all legislators, all House members, or all Senators. ![]() We help Connecticut businesses identify, compete for, and win federal, state and local government contracts. If you are not a CT business, please click here to find your state's PTAC.
The arts, historic preservation and tourism have tremendous value to us as individuals and to the state's economy. DECD's Offices of Culture and Tourism have resources to support growth in these key areas that enrich our lives in so many ways, and help define what it means to live--and have fun--in CT.
![]() NCDC has partnered with the City of Norwich, Norwich Public Utilities, and the Greater Norwich Area Chamber of Commerce to create a Doing Business in Norwich Resource Guide. The Guide assists business in writing a business plan and working through approval processes, to hiring employees and scheduling a ribbon cutting or a grand opening event. If you know of a business that could use help crafting creative strategies for growing their business or navigating the sometimes pitfall-ridden path to starting a new business, we would love to help. We don't have all the solutions, but we likely do know where to find them. For more information, visit our website at
![]() Norwich Community Development Corporation (NCDC) is Norwich Connecticut's economic development agency of the City of Norwich. NCDC is committed to providing businesses the information they need to relocate expand and be successful. Growing business is extremely to a thriving community. NCDC works to help businesses access the support agencies they may need to do just that. They can be a resource for your business for finding information about incentives and financial assistance, and we can help you navigate the processes related to development and establishing a business here.